

Gather Everything You Need

Before diving into the rolling process, ensure you have all the necessary supplies:


Rolling papers: Regular 1¼-inch papers will roll a joint the size of a typical cigarette. The most important factor in choosing a paper is getting the thinnest one, so you can taste the flower better. Hemp paper offers a cleaner taste while rice paper is good for starting out.


Cannabis flower: You will use about a half gram of bud for a 1¼-inch paper. Make sure it’s fresh.  Old dry bud will crumble to dust when you grind it while fresh bud will sticks together, making it easier to form a joint. 


Packer: You’ll need something to pack the weed down. Anything long and skinny will do, like a pen or pencil.


Grinder: Break up the weed beforehand to ensure an even burn. A grinder makes this fast and easy and gives a consistent texture.


Tip, Crutch or filter (optional): While you can roll a joint without a tip, a tip lends structure and shape to the smoking end of the joint. Beginners should stick to the classic cardboard ones because glass can be a bit heavy and hard to work with and cotton requires a stronger draw. You may also use a filter instead.


Rolling Tray (optional): You can use almost any flat surface object as a rolling tray (a plate, a cutting board, or an actual tray) just make sure you clean it before every use to prevent crumbs, dust, or gunk that could ruin the taste of your bud or worse yet, end up in your lungs. Beginners especially will want a tray to catch any weed that falls out while you roll.


Step 1: Grind the Cannabis

For a regular-size 1¼-inch paper, grind approximately a half gram of cannabis flower, removing any stems. Aim for a fine consistency but do not pulverize it. A grinder can expedite the process and ensure a consistent texture.

Pro tip: Carefully examine your cannabis buds and remove any stems you come across. These stems pose a risk to your joint as they could potentially puncture the paper or disrupt an even burn, and may damage your grinder over time. It’s good practice to inspect your cannabis after grinding as well to feel for seeds, stems, or plastic bits if using a plastic grinder.


Step 2: Create a Crutch or Filter (Optional)

If not using a pre-made tip, create a crutch by folding a tip from your booklet. For the classic S or W tip, start by making a tiny fold of around 1/8 of an inch on one of the short ends of the paper and then make an equal fold in the opposite direction. It should feel like you’re folding a very tiny accordion. (3 folds for S shape, 4 folds for W shape) Once that’s done, roll the rest of the cardboard around it. This provides structure and shape and prevents cannabis from falling out and into your mouth while you smoke.


Step 3: Set Up the Rolling Paper

When you tug your rolling paper out of its packaging, you’ll notice it has a crease. This is where you’ll place the cannabis. Position the paper with the glue line on the inside of the folded paper, facing you throughout the process. Hold the paper with both hands, using the tips of your index fingers on the inside of the crease and your middle fingers and thumbs on the outer sides. Your thumbs and index fingers maintain a tight grip on the paper, while your middle fingers provide support to keep the glue side upright.

Before adding any cannabis, assess the tension of the paper—it should be taut but not so tight that it feels like it might tear. If tearing occurs, don’t be disheartened; simply grab another paper and try again until you develop the muscle memory for the right tension.

Pro Tip: Take the folded paper between your thumbs and index fingers and roll it up and down to curl it along the crease, leaving a margin of around 1/8 of an inch on each side. This will give the paper more of a “U” shape that might help you roll the joint later. If the paper keeps slipping and you need more grip, lightly wet the tips of your index finger and thumb. If you lose any trace of the original crease, find it again by rolling the paper so that the front side facing you is only slightly below the glue line on the back side. 


Step 4: Add the Tip

With the paper between your fingers, place the tip on one side and align the edges of the paper and tip. Preferably your dominant hand side as this will be the bottom of the joint. Use your index, middle finger, and thumb to secure the tip, preventing it from moving.

Pro tip: If you have a hard time keeping the tip in place, slightly lift the loose end of your tip and slide a half an inch of the paper into the roll. Finish by slightly rolling the tip upward. This will prevent the tip from moving around which will later make the rolling process easier. If you want to create a cone shape, insert the rolling paper into the tip at a slight angle.

fill joint

Step 5: Fill the Rolling Paper with Cannabis

Using your opposite hand, place your ground cannabis into the crease of the rolling paper. Take breaks intermittently to ensure the weed is well-placed and pinch the joint to give it the desired shape. Eliminate any air pockets, especially around the junction of the cannabis and the tip. The presence of empty spaces may lead to an uneven burn, causing a phenomenon known as a “canoe”. This occurs when one side of the paper burns faster due to the absence of material to impede the heat, resulting in wasted cannabis and an altered taste experience from the burning paper smoke. Take your time in shaping the joint, aiming for a tight and even pack. This skill improves with practice.


Step 6: Roll the Joint

Now is the moment you’ve been waiting for: Rolling. Using your middle fingers as support, use your indexes and thumbs to roll the front side of the paper down so it can only cover the weed and tip. Reposition your index fingers to cover the insides of the joint with the front side of the paper and slightly roll it up upward. This is by far the hardest part: Your goal is to securely tuck the front side of the paper between the cannabis and the back of the paper as tightly as possible, so you can continue rolling up. While you try this, you’ll probably lose a lot of the tension you’ve been building up to this point, so don’t be afraid to go back and forth until you get the tucking right. This is all part of the process and it’ll become easier with practice. Once the front of the paper is tucked behind the cannabis as tightly as you can, release your index fingers and continue rolling your joint up to the glue line. Finish by licking the line to add a little bit of paper and securing the joint by rolling it until the end. It’s possible that your joint is still not nearly as tight as you’d like it to be, but that’s OK. First, it’s part of learning, and second, you can still make it a bit tighter if you want.

Pro tip: Start with the crutch side as it can help guide the paper as it rolls around itself.

packing joint

Step 7: Pack the Joint

Pick up your joint by its tip and light tap it against a flat surface. Gravity will push the cannabis farther down. Add your extra ground cannabis and to achieve a consistent burn, gently pack the open end of the joint. A slender object, such as a pen or pencil will work for this.

Step 8: Close up the Joint:

 Finally, use your index finger and thumb to gently twist the paper at the top of your joint and enjoy!



Puff, puff, pass is more than just a movie or song lyric. It’s the unwritten code of most smoke circles, ensuring you are being respectful to your fellow smokers and giving every participant a chance to get high and enjoy the group smoke session.

Cannabis etiquette is fairly important when social smoking. It’s not only as a sign of respect, but it’s also about making sure people feel safe and comfortable when consuming. So, to make sure smoking in a social setting is enjoyable for all, here are a few pointers for your next smoke sesh:

  • Ask Before You Consume.
    Not everyone may be comfortable with or interested in participating so ask before you consume. Be mindful of others around you who may not want to smell or inhale the smoke. If someone doesn’t want to smoke, respect their decision and don’t pressure them into it. 
  • Respect House Rules.
    Some hosts may have designated smoking areas or preferences regarding where cannabis can be consumed, so make sure to check with the host before lighting up. 
  • Roller’s Rights.
    It’s customary that the one rolling the joint or packing a pipe be the first one to light it up and take the initial toke. Doing this shows respect.
  • Sharing is Caring.
    Sharing your weed with friends is standard weed etiquette. However, don’t be greedy. If you are always smoking your friend’s weed, offer to throw them some cash for using their stash. 
  • Puff. Puff. Pass.
    Don’t be a bogart. Only take one or two hits then pass it along. Anything more and you will be called out for hogging the weed and slowing down the rotation.
  • Pass the Dutchie to the Left Hand Side.
    It’s tradition and proper weed etiquette to pass the joint or pipe in a clockwise direction or to the left. And if you’re just not feeling it at that time, continue to pass the joint or bong around. Don’t hold onto something that is burning. It’s wasteful.  
  • Ash Before You Pass.
    Before passing the joint to the next person, make sure to ash it to avoid any loose bits falling onto their lap or clothes.
  • Nobody Likes a Soggy Smoker.
    Be intentional when smoking and avoid touching your lips or tongue to the joint or pipe. Keep your lips pursed, and don’t let your inner lips or tongue make contact and don’t stick your tongue down the bowl of a bong—that’s just nasty! It’s also good practice to clean the bong before passing it. Just a courtesy wipe of the mouthpiece, and you’re good to pass. 
  • Ask Before You Toss.
    When you’re sharing a cannabis vape or a bowl of weed, it’s important to be aware of what everyone else wants. Do not get rid of something before asking everyone if they’d like the rest of it, it’s considered rude. 
  • Keep it Clean.
    Keep your ash and roaches from lying around, and make it a habit to dispose of them properly. If you’re going to share it with friends, do the right thing and make sure they’re not getting high off moldy water. Give anything you plan to share with others a good scrub before you head out. 
  • Keep Your Germs to Yourself.
    Avoid sharing with others if you feel under the weather or have a cold. 
  • Practice Responsible Dosing.
    If you’re consuming cannabis edibles or concentrates, be mindful of the dosage. Clearly communicate the potency to others and avoid overconsumption, especially if you’re not familiar with the product.


The cannabis industry was created by a social grassroots movement and that movement continues. There are many avenues for cannabis advocacy from legalization to reparations to innovation. Below is a short list of local and national cannabis advocacy organizations. Join the call to action!


  • Last Prisoner Project
    • The Last Prisoner Project was founded in 2019 out of the belief that no one should remain incarcerated or suffer the collateral consequences of offenses that are now legal.
  • Marijuana Policy Project
    • MPP’s mission is to change federal law to allow states to determine their own cannabis policies without federal interference, to allow the medical use of cannabis in all 50 states and U.S. territories, and to legalize cannabis for adults.
  • M4MM
    • Minorities for Medical Marijuana is committed to cultivating a culturally inclusive environment and providing information, referrals, advocacy, coordination and education regarding cannabis legislation, events, activities, initiatives and discussions. 
  • National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
    • NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable.
  • Students for Sensible Drug Policy
    • Students for Sensible Drug Policy is a grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact of drug misuse on our communities, but who also know that the “War on Drugs” is failing our generation and our society. 
  • Veterans Cannabis Project 
    • Veterans Cannabis Project is dedicated to improving U.S. military veterans’ quality of life through the opportunity of cannabis. 
  • Women Grow
    • Women Grow serves as a catalyst for women to influence and succeed in the cannabis industry as the end of marijuana prohibition occurs on a global scale.


  • Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey (CMMNJ)
    • CMMNJ works to bring about safe and legal access to medical marijuana for New Jersey patients who are under the care of licensed physicians and nurse practitioners.
  • Sativa Cross
    • Sativa Cross advocates for cannabis patient’s rights and is devoted to providing safe and affordable access to medical cannabis.


As cannabis continues to gain acceptance and recognition worldwide, enthusiasts are embracing a range of unofficial holidays and occasions to celebrate the vibrant and diverse culture surrounding the plant. From the iconic 4/20 to the lesser-known International Budtenders Day, each occasion brings a unique flavor to the cannabis community.


April 20th, or 4/20, stands as a global celebration of cannabis culture. Originating from a group of California teenagers in the 1970s, the date has evolved into an international phenomenon where enthusiasts come together to celebrate and advocate for the plant’s legalization. Parks, cannabis-friendly venues, and online platforms buzz with activities, events, and a shared sense of camaraderie on this day.

7/10 Oil Day

For those who appreciate the concentrated side of cannabis, July 10th, or 710, is a special day dedicated to marijuana oils and extracts. While the origins of 710 remain uncertain, the date is chosen for a clever reason — when you flip “OIL” upside down, it becomes 710. On this day, concentrate enthusiasts gather to celebrate various forms of cannabis extracts, including oils, dabs, and shatter. It’s a day marked by innovation, education, and appreciation for the diverse range of products emerging in the cannabis market.

Green Wednesday – The Day Before Thanksgiving

While not as widely recognized as its counterparts, Green Wednesday has been gaining popularity as a cannabis-centric shopping day. Falling on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, it serves as a precursor to the holiday season, offering discounts and promotions similar to Black Friday. Cannabis enthusiasts take advantage of this day to stock up on their favorite products and share the joy of the plant with friends and family.

June 18th — Jack Herer’s Birthday

June 18th holds significance in the cannabis community as it marks the birthday of Jack Herer, a legendary cannabis activist and author of “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” Herer’s work has been instrumental in advocating for the legalization of cannabis, and his legacy lives on through strains named after him. Cannabis enthusiasts use this day to honor his contributions to the movement and continue the fight for cannabis rights.

August 8th — CBD Day

On August 8th, CBD Day takes center stage, focusing on the non-psychoactive compound cannabidiol (CBD). As awareness of CBD’s potential health benefits grows, this day serves as a platform to educate the public about the therapeutic properties of this cannabinoid. Events range from educational seminars to product launches, highlighting the role CBD plays in promoting wellness.

October 10 - International Budtenders Day

Budtenders, the knowledgeable individuals behind the counter at marijuana dispensary counters, play a crucial role in guiding consumers to the right cannabis products. International Budtenders Day celebrates these frontline cannabis experts. It’s a time to recognize their expertise, passion, and commitment to helping consumers navigate the often intricate world of cannabis products. Consider visiting your local cannabis dispensary on this day and expressing gratitude to these knowledgeable individuals who play a vital role in the cannabis industry.

November 6th — Legalization Day

November 6th is a monumental day for cannabis enthusiasts as it’s the date when Washington and Colorado both became the first states to pass recreational cannabis laws. Whether on a state or national level, this day signifies a step toward ending the stigma surrounding cannabis. Celebrations include public events, educational seminars, and a collective sense of accomplishment as communities witness the positive impact of cannabis legalization on both the economy and public health. It’s a day to acknowledge and celebrate the strides made in the name of cannabis advocacy.



Cannabis has seen a remarkable journey towards acceptance and understanding. Throughout history, individuals from diverse backgrounds have played pivotal roles in reshaping perceptions and advocating for the therapeutic, cultural, and economic potential of this ancient plant. From pioneering physicians and scientists to iconic activists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, these figures have left an indelible mark on the landscape of cannabis. Their stories serve as a testament to the evolving narrative surrounding cannabis.

  • Sir William Brooke O’Shaughnessy (1808-1889): An Irish physician and scientist who made significant contributions to the introduction of cannabis to Western medicine. He played a crucial role in bringing attention to the therapeutic potential of cannabis and promoting its use in medical treatments. O’Shaughnessy conducted the first clinical trials of cannabis preparations, first with safety experiments on mice, dogs, rabbits and cats, then by giving extracts and tinctures to some of his patients. In 1839, O’Shaughnessy published a groundbreaking research paper titled “On the Preparations of the Indian Hemp, or Gunjah” in the Provincial Medical Journal. In this paper, he described the therapeutic uses of cannabis for various conditions, including rheumatism, hydrophobia, cholera, and convulsions. He also highlighted the plant’s analgesic and sedative properties.
  • Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (1930-2023): An Israeli organic chemist, Mechoulam is often referred to as the “father of cannabis research.” His pivotal work in the 1960s involved identifying and synthesizing THC, the psychoactive compound within cannabis. Mechoulam’s groundbreaking research not only demystified the chemical composition of cannabis but also established a solid foundation for subsequent studies on cannabinoids, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the plant’s pharmacological properties.
  • Brownie Mary (1922-1999): A well-known cannabis activist, nurse, and baker, Mary Jane Rathbun aka Brownie Mary became a symbol of the medical marijuana movement for her efforts to promote the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes while the AIDS epidemic was roaring in the 1980s. Brownie Mary became known for distributing “special” brownies to AIDS patients. Her activism and distribution of medical brownies to those suffering serious illnesses made her a legendary figure in the world of cannabis and also became a symbol of resistance.
  • Lester Grinspoon (1928-2020): An Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a legend in the field of psychiatry. Grinspoon’s interest in cannabis began in the 1960s. An unlikely crusader for marijuana, Grinspoon’s research began in 1967 with a goal to prove that marijuana was dangerous. He soon realized that he was mistaken about the dangers of cannabis and in 1971, Grinspoon published ‘Marihuana Reconsidered’ which challenged many of the prevailing myths and misconceptions about cannabis, presenting a thorough examination of the plant, its effects, and its cultural and legal status. His efforts helped shift public opinion and contributed to the changing landscape of cannabis policies in various parts of the world. Today, his ideas and research continue to influence discussions around marijuana, both medically and recreationally.
  • Willie Nelson (born 1933): A long time cannabis user and outspoken advocate for the legalization of marijuana. Nelson has been actively involved in various campaigns and initiatives aimed at changing cannabis laws. He has used his platform to bring attention to the benefits of cannabis and to challenge the stigma associated with its use. Willie Nelson’s advocacy for cannabis extends beyond words; he has actively contributed to the industry by launching his own cannabis brand and supporting organizations and initiatives that align with his views on cannabis policy reform. 
  • Tommy Chong (born 1938): Extending beyond his comedic contributions, Tommy Chong has used his platform to champion cannabis legalization, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to the growing acceptance of cannabis in society. Chong spent nine months in prison at 65, after getting caught up in a federal crackdown on paraphernalia vendors for selling glass bongs under his company named Chong Glass and Nice Dreams. To be clear, Chong’s family never sold marijuana or any drug of any kind—only bongs and pipes. Although it’s been nearly two decades since he left prison, his journey continues as a recognizable and influential figure within the cannabis advocacy community working towards the plant’s redemption story through federal legalization. 
  • Jack Herer (1939-2010): Known as the “Emperor of Hemp,” Herer was a cannabis activist and author of the book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”. He believed that hemp and cannabis had enormous economic, environmental, and medical potential, and he worked tirelessly to promote their benefits. His work has inspired generations of individuals to question cannabis prohibition and explore the potential benefits of hemp.The famous cannabis strain “Jack Herer” was named as a tribute to Herer’s contributions to cannabis advocacy.
  • Keith Stroup (born 1943): An attorney by profession, Stroup founded NORML in 1970, making it one of the oldest and most well-known cannabis advocacy organizations focusing on and advocating for the responsible use of marijuana by adults, the decriminalization of marijuana possession, and the regulation of marijuana for adults. Under Stroup’s leadership, NORML has worked to change public opinion, influence legislation, and support legal cases that challenge marijuana prohibition.
  • Ed Rosenthal (born 1944): Known as the “Guru of Ganja,” Ed Rosenthal’s multifaceted contributions have had a lasting impact on the cannabis community. His work has not only provided valuable information for cannabis enthusiasts and cultivators but has also played a role in advancing the broader conversation around cannabis legalization, education, and advocacy. His book “Marijuana Grower’s Handbook” is considered a classic in the field, providing valuable insights into cannabis cultivation. Rosenthal has been a vocal advocate for the legalization of cannabis and the rights of cannabis growers.
  • Dennis Peron (1945-2018): Considered the godfather of the legal cannabis movement, Peron was a cannabis activist and co-author of California Proposition 215. As an openly gay man, he actually fought to legalize cannabis well before the AIDS epidemic, but when the disease began to ravage the gay community, Peron fought harder, opened a Cannabis Buyers’ Club, and co-wrote Proposition 215. Dennis Peron’s legal battle for medicinal cannabis rights was a turning point in the legalization movement, helping open people’s eyes to the drug’s benefits for terminally ill patients.
  • Rick Simpson (born late 1940s): As a prominent figure in the alternative medicine community, Simpson’s most notable contribution was his advocacy for the use of cannabis oil in cancer treatment, popularizing “Rick Simpson Oil” (RSO), a full spectrum cannabis extract used for its medicinal properties. While Rick Simpson no longer produces the oil himself, it remains a crucial ingredient in the treatment plans of patients across North America. 
  • Ethan Nadelmann (born 1957): Described as “the point man” for drug policy reform efforts and “the real drug czar,” Ethan Nadelmann is widely regarded as the outstanding proponent of drug policy reform both in the United States and abroad. A scholar and activist, Nadelmann founded the Drug Policy Alliance, an organization that advocates for drug policy reform, including the decriminalization and legalization of cannabis. He played a crucial role in shaping public opinion on drug policy. 
  • Steve DeAngelo (born 1958): Dubbed “the father of the legal industry” , DeAngelo is a lifelong activist, author, educator, investor, and entrepreneur on the front lines of the cannabis reform movement for both medical and recreational use. He has been involved in numerous campaigns and initiatives aimed at changing cannabis laws and policies. His most notable achievements include co-founding Harborside-one of the first six dispensaries licensed In the United States and one of the first to feature a drive-thru; Steep Hill Laboratory, the first cannabis testing and analytics; Arcview Group, the first dedicated cannabis investment network; Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to criminal justice reform for nonviolent cannabis offenders; and authoring The Cannabis Manifesto.  He played a key role in the passage of Initiative 59, Washington DC’s medical cannabis law; the passage of Prop 64, California’s adult-use law; and successfully defended multiple legal attempts by US federal authorities to shutter the doors of Harborside.
  • Snoop Dogg (born 1971): A well-known rapper, Snoop Dogg has been a vocal advocate for cannabis legalization. His laid-back and cannabis-friendly persona have contributed to the mainstream acceptance of cannabis, and played a significant role in shaping the perception of cannabis within the entertainment and sports industries. Snoop Dogg’s advocacy goes beyond business and personal use. He has been involved in community initiatives and programs that aim to address social justice issues related to cannabis prohibition, such as advocating for the release of nonviolent cannabis offenders.
  • Jane West (born 1976): A trailblazer for women in the cannabis industry, West is a successful entrepreneur and activist known for organizing and hosting cannabis-centric events that aim to bring together enthusiasts, industry professionals, and advocates.  West has also been a prominent figure in discussions about women in the cannabis industry. She has highlighted the role of women in shaping the industry and has been involved in initiatives that promote gender equality and inclusivity. In 2014, West founded Women Grow, an organization dedicated to empower women in the marijuana industry by providing networking opportunities, mentoring and business support.
  • Charlotte Figi (2006-2020): While not a public figure in the traditional sense, Charlotte Figi’s battle with Dravet syndrome inspired changes to medical marijuana laws across the country and ignited the CBD movement. Her 2013 interview on CNN with Dr Sanjay Gupta made Charlotte a symbol and hero for the medical marijuana and CBD movement.
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